Tony’s Cycle Tour – June 2019
To raise funds for the school and the new Kitchen
The Route Information
Meet Anthony Smith, a remarkable “Friend of Toowa” who in June 2019 raised £2200 for the school so that they can have a new and much needed kitchen. The tour involved cycling, unsupported, from Canterbury to Rome, a distance of 1150 miles!
“My reasons to complete the journey were originally a personal goal I have harboured for nearly 15 years. Having reached the tender age of 65, time was not on my side, so I took the opportunity to do it while fit and healthy. Sponsorship for my efforts came about after hearing about a project to build a new kitchen in Toowa, Uganda. My wife Angela and her friend Kath Houghton had visited the area in 2018 , so had witnessed for themselves the conditions which the villagers live in.Initially, we targeted a sum of £1000 aimed at sponsors from friends and family. To our great surprise we raised £2200. – Tony Smith
Elevation Charts